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Children’s Illustrated Storybook Author
Many years later, after retiring from a career in construction, and with a lot of encouragement from friends and family, he decided to go ahead and have these illustrated and published. The first one chosen was The Frog And The Prince, released in the summer of 2012, followed by The Funny Farm in the summer of 2013. They were both winners of the NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange) BEST BOOK Award, in the Children’s Interest Category, for the spring and fall 2013 Competitions, respectively.
His Third title, released in the fall of 2014, is The Dog And The Hen. It has an anti-bullying Theme and is a story of a little dog who is being picked on and bullied by the bigger dogs. Then, along comes a little hen who becomes his best friend. If they can look beyond the physique, and become friends, maybe we can too!
His fourth title, Dreams, released in the Fall of 2015, is a true travel log of a fun business trip he took with his 4-year-old son. It was a great bonding experience for both father and son. It teaches Parents that “Someone is Always there, Watching what you do…” So make your Actions Worthy, for those who Copy you”.
The Fifth Title, Just Released in Sept 2016, “The Horse Named Dapper Dan”, is a story of a Race Horse who has never won a race before, but one day makes up his mind to “Never give in” and he succeeds in winning the race.
Gordon and his wife live in central Alberta and are the proud grandparents to 11 grandchildren.