Each year NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange) honours some of the finest independently-published books in a wide variety of different fields including Children’s Interest, Fiction, Novel, Memoir, Self-Help, Health, How-To, Inspirational, and many more categories.
Selections are made by a panel of editors and NABE takes into consideration content, book format, writing style as well as front and back cover design. NABE is especially interested in the works of new authors and feel their works need to receive recognition, acknowledgement and praise.
I receive these Awards in the Childern’s Interest Category

The Frog and the Prince was selected as the winner of the 2013 Spring Pinnacle Achievement Book Award.

The Funny Farm was selected as the winner of the 2013 Fall Pinnacle Achievement Book Award.

The Horse Named Dapper Dan was selected as the winner of the 2016 Fall Pinnacle Achievement Book Award.
I love all your books. They taught so many life lessons to my Grandchildren.
Dianne LDapper Dan is guaranteed to be an Award Winner!!
Kathleen OI like The Dog And The Hen. My Grandkids learn a lot about Bullies.
Denise SI like the message in The Funny Farm, and the rhyming and the pictures.
Stephanie TI Love the Messages portrayed through these books and the Rhymes!! Animals make the messages easy for Children to understand.
Sarah LI enjoyed the “antics” of the animals in “The Funny Farm”, and I know my Grandson will enjoy it.
Susan WMy 5 year old Loves these books, and now reads them to me!!
Mandy GMy Favorite Story is “The Funny Farm”, because the Animals do funny things.
Ocean SMy Grandchildren Love this series of Storybooks. “The Dog And The Hen” is their Favorite.
Juanita W“The Funny Farm” Storybook has a Great Message.
Jolene PI like the book “Dreams”. I want my Son to have his Memories too.
Amanda JMy Granddaughters Love these beautiful books!!
Patricia PI am a Teacher, and the kids absolutely enjoy this book, “The Funny Farm”. I Love this book and Author.
Lori BThe Dog And The Hen is great. I think it is always good to teach your Children the effects of Bullying.
Nicole SI bought 2 of these books last year at a Christmas Market. My Son loved them so much, that he insisted in taking them to school for his Teacher to read to his class. Thank you for the Great Read!!
Candace VI have not read “The Funny Farm”,yet, but I am “taken” by the beautiful Illustrations.
Angela LWe bought a copy of “The Dog And The Hen” last year for Christmas, and my Son has learned an important lesson from the “Anti-Bullying” Theme. Ever since we have been reading that Storybook, whenever he sees one of his Classmates getting picked on, he steps in to defend them.
Anon.I think The Frog And The Prince is an Awesome Book!! I loved the story and the pictures. Even being 12 yrs old, I hoped my Mom would buy us one. Great job!!
Amanda EI really like The Frog And The Prince, especially the surprise ending where it turns out that the Frog is telling the story!! I think it puts a unique twist to the story. The Pictures are extremely well done. The Title is also intriguing, and creates “mystery” as to what the story is really all about. It is a wonderful story!!
Tiffany KThe Frog And Prince is such a fun read! My babies are 5 months old and they already love looking at the big letters and pictures in the book. When its time for bed I like to send them off to dreamland with the poetic verse of the Frog and the Prince
Brenna CYou wouldn’t believe this fantastic book that we read last night. We have read it several times already because my kids love it so much. It’s called “The Frog and the Prince”. It is such a cleaver book and beautifully illustrated too. Thank you so much. You are a very talented author.
Gloria SimonSince the age of 13 Months, when we first purchased The Frog And The Prince, it has been a hit with Emma. Even now, at 17 months, she still brings me the book to read and look at the great pictures. She has a wide variety of books, but always chooses that one for us to read. She loves the pictures and rhymes that make this a fantastic Children’s Storybook. We are expecting to need a new copy soon, as her “favorite book” is showing signs of wearing out. As a Mother, I’m anxious to see what Gordon will come up with next. We’ll be waiting for the announcement
Tracy-Lee CMy daughter Ava, who is 3, loves The Frog and The Prince so much I have lost count how many times I have read it. She thought the prince turning into a frog and eating flies was “just so funny. It make me laugh and laugh” she said. And she loves to show the book to her friends, they giggle over the pictures and she tries to mimic the story. I love the rhyme and the musical cadence. I bought several copies for family and friends to enjoy.
Teagan SI just wanted to share with you how great your book “The Frog and The Prince” is. We bought your book about a year ago, and my son has us read it to him nightly. He now reads us the words back! He is now 4 year old. It is a great children’s story and the artwork and illustrations are colorful and very kid friendly. Thanks for creating such a wonderful book!!
TamaraThe Frog and the Prince is a clever twist to an old story. Gordon’s poem had me chuckling from start to finish. The delightful illustrations by Lauren Fast bring the tale to life and make this a ‘must read’ for 3 – 8 year-olds
Valerie Walker